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The Wiccan Federation
The Wiccan Federation is a UK based network of covens that is dedicated to the practice of Wicca, understood to be the present day form of the Old Ways of Britain practiced in accordance with the Wiccan Rede 'an it harm none do what ye will'. It provides training for members of these covens, those seeking to join them and others looking to practice the Wiccan Tradition. The Federation is a multi-denominational Wiccan organisation which has been established by those actively leading various Wiccan covens and groups.
The Federation runs Meetup Groups covering the whole of the UK. These Meetup Groups allow access to our network of city based WhatsApp group and special interest streams which connect those who are members of, and those who are interested in, specific traditions.
The Federation seeks to ensure as far as possible that there is an active Wiccan group and coven within a one hour drive of any major town or city in the UK. Our objective is the support of the practice of Wicca in all its forms. We define Wiccans as those who self define as Wiccans and follow the Wiccan Rede. No other purely Wiccan group has the reach of the Wiccan Federation when connecting UK Wiccans.